Birds and animals need a little teaching or training to lead a successful bird or animal life. They know how to make a home or shelter for themselves and how to keep themselves instinctively living. The instinct of self-preservation is naturally planted within them. They are given certain faculties that develop to the maximum level with their physical growth without much conscious effort on their part or the part of their parents. Not so with men. His intellectual growth depends on many external factors and cannot reach maturity without a long and deliberate effort on his part and the part of his sympathizers. Forests can naturally grow on their own, but parks cannot.
Humans are like Rough Diamond
The flower is beautiful by itself but diamonds need a lot of cutting and polishing before they will sparkle and sparkle into thousands of colors. Humans are like rough diamonds and need archiving and polishing before all their abilities can function fully. Education is only the archiving and polishing of the human personality to achieve its full development. This allows one to live a better life physically, mentally and spiritually.
A Man Has A Mind, Spirit, And Body

So education has three objectives. It aims for physical, mental and spiritual well-being. It keeps the body fit and healthy, the mind healthy and strong, and the spirit smooth and sensitive. Because bodily health is the first condition of all human activities and is indispensable for all advancement, education must first enable one to live hygienically and get an honest life. This basic education is most often ignored in our country and is the cause of most of our problems. Men who cannot support themselves and their families are only half-educated. Men who don’t know the rules of cleanliness and cleanliness are even worse. He is a threat to the community itself.
Part of Physical Education
Knowledge of the health laws and obedience of those who are faithful are an integral part of physical education. Proper food and clothing and a clean way of life play an important role in building one’s health. Physical exercise is very important for true education. This gives a healthy tone to various organs of our body and makes them strong and suitable for doing their job. Body strength is as important as an intellectual activity in ensuring success in life. Therefore, physical exercise is an important requirement that must be fostered by every man and woman. IF we want to be strong, healthy and free from disease, we must exercise regularly. Those who use their brain a lot should not neglect to take part in certain types of athletic sports if they want to be free from diseases contracted by sedentary habits. There are various types of physical exercise such as walking, horse riding, gymnastics, and games.
Education must also sharpen our mental abilities and develop them fully. It must remove superstition, prejudice, and bigotry. The mind must be able to seek truth in all things and see things as they are, without being impartial and objective.