How to Choose a University Campus

How to Choose a University Campus

As you make BIG decisions about what you want to learn (which will determine what you will do for the rest of your life), you also need to decide where you will study. Universities, FETs and Technology Universities differ in many ways. Here are a few things to consider when comparing the pros and cons of different education providers and deciding which campus is right for you.

Where are they

The campus can be a city center, suburbs, in rural centers, or just rural areas. Each city has unique personalities and activities to offer, so think about the different lifestyle, living expenses, transportation, and people who are most attractive to you. You might prefer sunshine and beach areas like Cape Town and Durban, or the hustle and bustle of big city life like Johannesburg and Pretoria.

How to Choose a University Campus


The size of each campus has a large effect on the atmosphere, social …

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Grants Available For Single Mothers - Moms Can Get Money For School

Grants Available For Single Mothers – Moms Can Get Money For School

While future planning is a part of our daily thinking, making your dreams realize cannot always be easy and for a single mother of one or many children this is almost impossibility. She has not only to take care of her children but to have constant battles with financial situations which may arise. Such a mother cannot think and plan for further education on her own.

Therefore government and other non profit organizations lend a helping hand by making grants available for single mothers. These grants are financial assistance for single mothers who take the bold step of planning to complete their unfinished college degree in a hope that once they earn their degree they would find a prosperous job that would go a long way in supporting her and her children.

You can log on to internet for more information on the grants available for single mothers. Some websites …

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