In order to get a job working at things that you can do without going to any trade schools or attending any college classes after the senior year in high school you really only need to drive around town. These jobs will be available all over because they only pay minimum wage and they require maximum effort on your part every day. These positions are the ones that we call housekeepers, and waitress or server, and short order cook, and general handy man. These are the positions at the fast food eateries and the gas stations. These are honorable jobs but they are generally low paying and they have no real chance of providing the individual with a bright future. These are the things that you have to do until you get the education to do what you want to do. A better education will get you a graduate job and those are much better for you.
A graduate job is one that you will need to prepare for by attending classes at a college or university to gain the knowledge and the skills that are required to do the work the position entails. It takes you a little longer to start living life outside of the home of your parents and become self sufficient but it is worth all of the effort you put into getting that education.
A graduate job usually starts you off at a higher rate of pay than the unskilled ones do and the graduate job will generally offer a chance for advancement or for you to get raises and increases in pay through hard work and experience. These are the positions that develop into careers and provide you with a means of retirement when you are older. The most coveted of these will also offer great benefits like health care that may include vision care, hospitalization coverage, and dental. There will be benefits like maternity leave, and sick leave, and even paid vacations. These little perks are worth even more than the extra hourly pay is.
After you have been in school from kindergarten to the senior year it is natural for you to be anxious to begin to live your adult life. At this age we all think we can do it all on our own and are ready to prove to the world that we can. The truth is we need the extra education and the experience that just a few more years will offer to us. We need to give ourselves time to learn who we are so we can learn what we want to do. Rushing into life will only provide us with some disappointing experiences that we are not going to want to live through.
There is an old saying that says the best lesson is a bought one. This means that when you lose something you work for you will be more careful the second time around. The best thing you can do is work a low paying job while you sort out your life choices so you can see why a graduate job is right for you.