Your job can take you all around the world, but what does that mean for your kids? If you are going to be working a position for a year or more, that is a long time to be away from your family. Relocation can be an option, even with kids involved. Of course, it’s a big decision to make, so here are a few reasons why relocating with the whole family could be the best option:
Keeping the Family Together
If you get a job offer or promotion that will take you overseas, one of the things that you may have to take into consideration before accepting the opportunity is your family. Does your partner have a job that keeps them tied to your current location? If so, then this will be a discussion you will both need to share to work out if you can both travel or not. If your partner wishes to stay behind then you will have to plan a time where your partner and kids can travel to visit you. Thanks to the modern era of technology, keeping in touch will be much easier, as you can schedule frequent video-calls to make the distance a little easier. Of course, if your partner is happy to travel overseas with you, then you can all relocate together.
How Old are Your Kids?
Depending on how old your children are, different issues can be considered. Older and more mature children are more likely to understand the situation and give their reasoned opinions on the matter. For younger children, a year can seem like a much longer length of time and may struggle with you leaving. You also may miss important milestones in their life, and younger children can change a lot in a year, so being there with them could be more important to you. However, younger children will also find it easier to adapt to a new living situation, so if you plan to relocate as a family then they will find it easier to settle in a new environment. Older children can find a disruption to their lives too much to handle, especially if they have important things happening like a first job, learning to drive or school exams and choosing a new college. It is important to talk to your children and hear what they have to say about it; you should listen to their feelings and try to be understanding about their wishes and needs.
But What About the Kids’ School?
Taking your kids out of school may not seem like the best thing to do and of course, their education is an important part of their growing up and development. So, what happens if the whole family relocates overseas? Your children’s learning does not need to suffer, as international schools can be found in most cities around the world. For example, Thailand international school offers a curriculum to match its UK counterpart and strives to give your children the learning foundation they need to excel in further education and life. You will need to do your research and make sure your children are eligible and can be successfully enrolled in the international school you choose before you make any final decisions. Your kids’ education is definitely important, so make sure things are sorted out before you all move out and hop on a plane!
It is OK to be worried and concerned about the wellbeing of your kids, so there is certainly a lot to think about before making decisions. It is likely that your kids will actually benefit from new experiences and an exciting new environment as it can help them to develop and learn more, so relocation can be the right choice and is worth considering.