Photocopiers are very useful in a school and educational purposes. Using a multi-purpose copier, you can already print, scan, or photocopy any documents whether it’s a black and white document or a colored one. You’ll find out the uses of a copier in school below.
1. Photocopy black and white handouts
You can photocopy any documents into black and white. A perfect example of black and white handouts is a test paper. You can even photocopy a material that has colored image into a black and white document.
2. Photocopy colored handouts
The process in photocopying a colored document is just the same as photocopying a black and white paper. The only difference is that you can photocopy a colored material and have an outcome that is the same with what you have photocopied. The best example would be a grade school activity handouts. The reason is that elementary would be voluntarily involved in an event if it catches their attention. So, having a colored handout would be very helpful when you are an elementary teacher.
Additional Read: How the Photocopier Changed the Way We Worked—and Played
3. Photocopy pictures or ID
A photocopier in school can be used to photocopy any pictures or IDs. This way can be applied every enrollment season where parents need to submit a requirement. For example, when a parent is asking for a scholarship program on behalf of their kids.
4. Print files
Another way to use a photocopier in school is to print files. Old model photocopiers have cords and installation CD with it. First, you need to plug the cable from your computer to the copier. It is your way to print out any document you want. Another cord needs to be connected directly to the wall. Now, using the CD, you need to install the program of the photocopier. After installing, run the program and try printing. On the other hand, the new model of Houston copier needs you to connect to wifi and everything is good to go. Make sure that your modem is near your copier though so that your unit can detect your wifi and have your documents printed out.
5. Scan documents
A multi-purpose photocopier can function as a scanner too. You need to place your paper in an upside down position and press the Scan button. The easy way to understand this is to make sure that the document should face the scanner glass, cover it using the photocopier’s lid, press the scan button and wait for the green light to pass the paper. The light should completely stop to ensure that you have scanned the document. You can now check the scanned document in your computer if you did it correctly. Remember that in this process, you also need to have the program of your photocopier installed in your computer.
All of the mentioned uses of copiers in school are undeniably true. Either of the students or the teacher would be needing the help of a photocopier. A photocopier is helpful not just in schools but everywhere. Whether it’s in the office or even in public, everyone can use a photocopier. You can check this copier shop for great deals and wonderful offers.